My sister Ashley is getting married May 9th in the Draper Utah Temple. We are so excited for her and Spencer. We are excited to have Spencer in our family. He was able to come down for Christmas and we all loved him, even Ashley's overprotective Brother in law, Aaron. We are going on a road trip to go up to the wedding...that should be interesting. But we are excited for the wedding! Congrats Ashley and Spencer! We love you!!! Oh and the best part is that Spencer got a job in Austin, so right after they get married they're moving to TEXAS!!! I'm so excited about that! Now I just need to convince Emily to come back to Texas!
4 years ago
Don't you go convincing em to leave me! she's my sis too! :)
i'm excited to see all your fam again! it's been so long
Okk so the count is 2 to one.. sorry stace my vote is to get em back here too!!!! Lets go Christi!!!!!
Stacey my love I ain't going nowhere I like it here. Sorry kremes and family as caylee said "you can't come back until you have a husband"
When are you guys heading up north??
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